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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


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Ooh, I want that book. I have visited Chawton but the torrential rain that day and the fact that I was accompanied by two bored children and a husband who wanted to watch a football match prevented me from taking a good look around the garden! Lovely post.


Nicola — I think you would really enjoy it. I shelved it with my Austen novels rather than my garden books because it is really about looking at Jane in a new way. As well as being able to glimpse the real places that she lived and visited.

I'm lucky because the publisher is located here in my hometown and the author lives in a nearby city. I heard about the book just before it was released so my timing to get a copy and review it was spot on.

Have you heard of "Searching for Jane Austen"? It's by Emily Auerbach, a prof at the University here, who looks at Jane and how the movies, her family etc. all project different images as do the various novels. She attempts to determine who is the real Jane Austen. More academic but not in a bad way.


Hiya Linda,

Had been looking for a blog called 'Each little Word' (you being a writer).
We have it all on our doorstep and don't bother to go there. Typical.

Her unfinished novel is the one that stays clearest in my mind. That Dorking street is so clear, that I never want to go see it in reality. And the gormless posh chap telling the girl she needs proper boots. :-)
I hope they never bother to film it, as I find my own versions blurred by these endless tv productions.

I worked my way through most of her letters, and was surprised that she had such a high social time. Not at all the way she is portrayed usually. All those balls and gatherings are from experience rather than wishful thinking.

BTW, who was the chap saying that readers write the books they read in their head - deconstruction?


Hello again!

I know what you mean about having things available to us that we never take advantage of as well as having our own visions and versions of books in our minds. I was horrified when they cast Edith Wharton's "Age of Innocence" and the two female leads looked completely opposite to Wharton's descriptions.

I heard the author of the Austen book speak the other night and she also mentioned the letters and what a different impression one gets reading Jane's own words vs. how family tried to portray her.

I read Sanditon and The Watsons years ago and remember really liking them. Maybe I will have to pull them off the shelf again.

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