The rather charming watering can pictured below is French, circa 1870. The clock on the wall above it is a decade earlier. And both are residing in a 17th century cottage in West Sussex that was the subject of a profile in World of Interiors magazine in October, 2005.
I mention all this because I immediately visualized this antique can when Carol of May Dreams Gardens suggested re-naming the parts of watering cans. She pondered the possibility of all the parts being as poetically named as the “roses.”
Carol offered “melon” as the replacement for “vessel,” or body of the can, but her idea took a few hits from the comment gallery. This picture, however, shows that melon is more than apt and Carol clearly knew whereof she spoke.
That does look like a melon. I guess I was right after all.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Posted by: Carol, May Dreams Gardens | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 07:46 AM
Carol — I had to laugh when I found this picture. It was so obviously a "melon."
Posted by: Linda Brazill | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 07:59 AM