Woke to the sound of thunder Saturday morning, and before I'd even managed to make a pot of coffee, the sky let loose with a cloudburst. That put an end to my plan to hit the outdoor Westside Farmers Market in my neighborhood. Instead I watched it pour and sent Mark out to capture the garden between showers.
A week ago Saturday found me on the Capitol Square at the opening moments of the first Dane County Farmer's Market of the season. It is the big planet around which all the other regional farmers markets orbit. I went looking for herbs since I am not a seed-starting kind of girl. Came home with a beautiful variegated pineapple mint, two plants of large-leaved Genovese basil (perfect for pesto), one Thai basil, one small-leaved spicy basil (it grows like a mini boxwood) and one of the basils with decorative reddish-purple leaves. And the basics: curly parsley, Italian flat-leaf parsley and cilantro.
Could not find the Tiger Eye violas that I went in search of, but came home with these "Midnight Sun" charmers instead (in the back corner of the basket). Also got some smaller Sorbet strain in similar tones, called "Babyface Ruby and Gold" (front basket corner). I'm thinking about planting them near some Gold-Laced Black Primulas to contrast the informality of the pansies with the structured form of the primroses, linked by the similarity of color.
The pansies look great mixed in with the herbs - and they're edible aren't they? Such a variety of color and texture. You made some great choices!
Posted by: Jen | Monday, April 27, 2009 at 04:56 PM
Thanks, Jen. And you're right, the violas are edible. I hadn't even thought about that when I got them, so I appreciate the suggestion.
Posted by: LINDA from EACH LITTLE WORLD | Monday, April 27, 2009 at 07:06 PM
a tisket, a tasket,
what a lovely basket.
Never mind what's in it:-)
Posted by: jo | Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 10:52 AM
Thanks, Joco. It is a lovely basket. I've had it for years, having bought it from a company that's long gone. Perfect for this time of year. Later, I use a wicker cart on wheels when the heavy veggies are in season!
Posted by: LINDA from EACH LITTLE WORLD | Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 02:25 PM
Our farmers market won't begin until at least next month. I would love to get some herbs growing. I don't start much by seed either.
Posted by: Lisa at Greeenbow | Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 06:31 PM
Lisa — glad to hear I'm not alone in the seed starting arena. Sometimes it seems like everyone's doing it and talking about it. I love the idea but don't have the room or the setup.
Posted by: LINDA from EACH LITTLE WORLD | Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 07:29 PM