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Friday, October 22, 2010


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Lisa at Greenbow

I thought that hydrangea was getting some much needed protein. Darling photo of Julie. Love the bark of the unidentified tree. It is oh so true about not exploring your own home town unless one has company. Why are we that way?


Thanks for the beautiful tour. I too love the bark of the unknown tree; the photo looks like we are seeing rippling reflections on water. As for the hydrangea, it looks similar to some loose flowered paniculata, like "Pink Diamond".

Barbara H.

Mark's photos are always delicious. The tree bark looks like lovely silky fabric. It is fantastic!


Beautiful photos, all of them with the more subdued fall colors. Our H. paniculatas never get that rich pink color here, they thrive otherwise, perhaps its too hot.

Julie Siegel

It's always a treat to explore with you two! And to have Mark's fine photos for memories...if I had a little gel, bet I could sculpt my hair into that paniculata vase shape.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.