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Friday, July 29, 2011


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Judy Schwaemle

Any of the fragrant blooms are worth keeping, and there are a fair number. All H. plantaginea are fragrant. The favorite of these is Grandiflora (which i think is the "August Lily," not Royal Standard). Some of the others, like H. Fragrant Bouquet, announce this feature. Though not fragrant, H. Hirao Majesty has large and interesting flowers. I expect there are others like that also.

Lisa at Greenbow

I have an old (20+years) hosta with no name but the fragrance of these pure green work horses is unforgetable. Must have in my garden.

I have Sagae, you won't be disappointed.


I have to be honest...I just don't get Hostas. We've owned two houses and both of them have been crawling with Hostas. Perhaps it's because both houses have had the same variety, but even for foliage, I find them less than inspiring. Of course, as you've mentioned, the flowers are really rather meh.

I do have to give the plant credit, though. I don't know as I've ever come across a hardier plant.

Barbara H.

I brought a fragrant hosta with me when I moved - the leaves are a solid fresh green and it blooms in August. My grandmother had planted it so it was extra special that it accepted the move! I have a varigated hosta with green and white leaves and tall lavender blooms that I got from my sister - it was already there when she moved into her house. It was very striking earlier this summer when there was a mass of blooms. Once they started looking bad, I cut them off. Last year, or was it the year before, I planted Drinking Gourd. Beautiful leaves but I let it flower, too. I did get seeds from it but haven't tried planting them yet. Hostas - I love them.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter

I'm one of those people who likes the blooms. My favorites are the dark purple striped ones, such as 'Cherry Berry' (at least it was marked that).


Drinking Gourd is a great Hosta. I have it and will have to pay attention to the flowers.

Mamaraby and Barbara H. — I don't think there is a house anywhere in the temperate USA that does not have a green and white Hosta growing in the yard. I call it the "House Hosta" because it comes with the house!

MMD — dark purple striped?! I like the sound of that flower.


We bought our first house 2 summers ago and I couldn't stand the hosta flowers. Thought they looked HIDEOUS! Cut them right away. Same with last year- they bugged me to no end. And then this year...something strange happened, and I no longer mind them and actually find them to be somewhat charming.

I really like hostas. I know a lot of people don't really "get" them, but I think they are beautiful. I cut 3 leaves from one of my biggest hostas about a month ago and stuck them in a vase in my living room. They're still alive and they make me smile every time I walk by. :)


The fragrant flowers are definitely worth keeping. I leave my flowers on, and collect seeds in fall. It's always fun to plant them in the dead of winter and see what they turn out to be.

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