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Monday, July 18, 2011


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Lisa at Greenbow

I have enjoyed the overall look at your driveway garden. It is so intresting with the zig zag wall. The greens are soothing and interesting with the vairiation of hues. I am green at all that Berginia that is growing so prettily.

Lisa at Greenbow

P.S. I was reading a poem by ee cummings the other evening and I thought of you two. The name of the poem is _may I feel said he_. There is a lot of he said/she said in this. A good poem you might like to read.

Barbara H.

Very impressive. Everything works together and nothing is overwhelmed. I take it Forest Pansy redbud is alive and well? I'm wondering it that is the tree in the last photo, but not sure I would actually recognize it.


Wow stunning! What are the conifers you have in there? I see some kind of Tsuga canadensis, an Abies koreana?, and a Thuja occ.? Is the chartreuse tree a dogwood?


I enjoyed seeing the border, but I really appreciate the broader shot showing the setting of your house and garden. Look at all the trees, it looks as if you live in a small clearing of a great forest.


This is a beautiful welcome to your home, with such a variety of greens and of textures.


Thanks for all the comments. And note that Mark corrected my dimensions for those of you who read this early on: the border is 60' long by 10' deep.

Lisa — Not only do we know the poem, I gave Mark a copy of it for Valentine's one year. There is a beautiful version of it illustrated with Chagall paintings. Your comments often have a poetic quality that has made me think you are a reader of poetry! Me too.

Barbara — That is Forest Pansy in the last shot. It has purple leaves. Lots of dieback but now we know that it keeps coming back and this is actually keeping it more in scale with the garden.

Robin — IN the 3rd pix there is a Jp. hemlock right behind the big rock. Further down is a New Gold hemlock, the really yellow tree is the redwood and I no longer know the bluish evergreen. It is not Abies koreana which we have in another location. There are yew and boxwood "balls" scattered throughout. They will become the focus eventually and we will cut back on the perennials.

Les — When we moved into our house in 1994, there was a 150+ Bur oak plus a number of 50 year old trees mostly at the margins of the property. So we decided to make a mini arboretum and add a lot of understory trees, shrubs and dwarf conifers. On days like today when the temp is in the 90s there is nothing nicer than living in the shade!

Jeremy Beauregard

Ahh, that's just too lovely. I think every house should have a garden, even a small one. I love the landscape. Did you do this yourself or did you hire a pro?

Jamie Keifer

Wow! If I ever come across your garden in real life, walking in would feel like a total nature trip! I love this driveway because of how the color green spreads throughout the area, giving it LIFE.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.