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Tuesday, August 02, 2011


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Lisa at Greenbow

All of those names are interesting. I really like the one of 'studio of self restraint'. It appears to me to be an empty room since there was no restraint any place else. tee hee. I wonder if the last one is just a fancy name for bedroom. ?? You will never be a person with nothing to do. ha What a thought. Perhaps that was the way he wanted to say he was too busy.


Thanks for all those incredible names; their poetry is marvelous. I found the work displayed too ornate for my sensibility so didn't pay attention to the titles.


Altoon —

We would agree with you on the ornateness of it all; interesting but mostly too over the top for us as well.

Our favorite things were all the "peripheral" exhibits: the Chinoiserie, the contemporary scrolls (many very abstract expressionist from the 1960s), and the marvelous collection of ceramics from the Han, Tang and Ming dynasties. Many large pieces including a couple of Han horses, a marvelous terra cotta mastiff (very large but not quite life size), and a captivating trio of musicians.

Jeanne Heuer

We recently saw the show as well and enjoyed it. That was Curt's favorite quote s well. And we think all retired State employees should be provided with a "Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service."

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