August in the Midwest is all about the bright hues of Echinaceas and Rudbeckias and statuesque prairie plants dominating the landscape. But not in my garden — except for Echinacea 'Sundown' out in the traffic island in the street in front of the house (below).
In the rest of the garden it's cool, shady and there's even a bit of moisture after yesterday's .46" of rain. What's missing are the blooms; most things are just ending or barely beginning — one final or one first flower. I've got a self-sown Queen Anne's lace, a yellow water lily with water baby's breath past its prime, Kirengeshoma koreana, Geranium phaeum 'Little Boy', Geranium renardi, and Allium cernum (in front of Forest Pansy redbud). Toad lilies, Cimicifuga, Japanese Anemones, sedums and asters are all offstage waiting until next month for their big show.
To see what's blooming in gardens everywhere, visit Carol who hosts the monthly Garden Bloggers Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens.
Beautiful blooms here. I love the sunny Echinacea bloom picture. It is nice that the Queen graced you with her presence. I have tried to get Queen Annes Lace going in my garden. No go. Hmmmmm. Maybe I tried too hard. Happy GBBD.
Posted by: Lisa at Greenbow | Monday, August 15, 2011 at 03:43 AM
I hope your blooms are distracting enough to take your mind away from the recalls that did not have optimal results. I read a quote recently that said "many troubles can be buried while digging in the garden".
Posted by: Les | Monday, August 15, 2011 at 06:17 AM
Even though the blooms are minimal now, what you've shown us is lovely. No white phlox in your garden?
Posted by: Altoon | Monday, August 15, 2011 at 07:10 AM
Lisa — I can never grow Queen Anne's lace; just enjoy the random plants that appear.
Altoon — I used to have white phlox but it had so many mildew problems that I gave it up. Now they have so many mildew resistant varieties I should try again. And in a dry summer like this one, mildew isn't exactly a problem!
Posted by: LINDA from EACH LITTLE WORLD | Monday, August 15, 2011 at 08:01 AM
You have lovely blooms - love the water lily! Wish mine would flower.
Happy GBBD :)
Posted by: Christine @ The Gardening Blog | Monday, August 15, 2011 at 09:39 AM
Love your blooms and thanks for inviting me into your garden.
Posted by: Paul From Alabama | Monday, August 15, 2011 at 02:43 PM