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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


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Lisa at Greenbow

When I see these beautiful water lilies I makes me want one. I don't have a deep enough water feature for one though. Hmmmmmm....


There is something about lotus that make them more magical than other plants. I spent more time than I should have around a pond in full bloom this summer. I am glad there is a dwarf out there for your pond, now they just need to breed a shade loving one for mine.

sandy lawrence

Just gorgeous! I'm very excited about this information. Exactly what I need for my recent acquisition - a zinc bathtub w/iron feet from the 1800's that I plan to line and make into a water feature. "Baby Doll" will be perfect! Thanks; always learn a lot on your blog.

Cindy @ enclos*ure

I have just discovered that the smallest waterlily in the world is native to Rwanda (my current home). It can grow in a teacup, but, unfortunately, is not (yet?) available for sale.

Gardening Birmingham

Helvola is a wonderful lily. I have it in my pond and its so impressive when in flower.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.