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Sunday, November 16, 2014


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Your evergreen foliage looks beautiful under the snow, which looks quite romantic to me, but then I don't have to live with it all winter.

I admit to hoping for a mild winter myself this year, but it's unseasonably cold in Austin too. We don't usually get a freeze right in town until early December, but last week we got surprised. And highs right now are where our normal lows are: in the low 50s. (We're usually in the 70s in November.) I'm sure it would seem very comfortable for you. :-)


Pam — ​I was looking at lots of your posts and thinking how much I like Austin gardens. And then I realized my ideal day is 78 degrees with a light breeze and lots of shade available. Duh, I'd die in Austin in about a week and I'd be very crabby before I went! I admit snow is much less of an issue now that we're retired and don't have to get to work at a certain time. Just bought the next mystery in a series by my favorite author which I am saving for the day we get our first real storm. I did just start marinating a roast for Sauerbraten later this week, very German/Wisconsin.

Lisa at Greenbow

All of your evergreens look down right christmasy with their dusting of snow. I hope your area doesn't get buried in snow yet.

Beth @ PlantPostings

Yes, so much for the short winter, anyway. Unless spring happens early on the other end. Sometimes I have Lamium flowers in November, but not this year. Brrr... this week is going to be cold. Ick.

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