A long-time reader of this blog recently inquired as to whether I'd put out all of my and Mark's childhood toys for Christmas. I told her that they always make an appearance for the holidays. I just hadn't done a post about them. So here's an update for Susan and anyone else who has a soft spot for their childhood treasures. The toys are mainly displayed in my red sitting room. I did the black and white needlepoint portrait pillow based on one of Mark's woodcuts which was based, in turn, on the photos in the book "Wisconsin Death Trip."
My Little Women doll (Meg) by Madame Alexander and my rabbit fur trimmed satin baby slippers dominate the right end of the bookshelf. Those slippers are a sure sign that I was the first granddaughter!
This end features Mark's well-worn stuffed donkey and his lone leather sandal. The contemporary papier mache pull toy and hand-painted blocks are both by artist Tracy Higgs.
The cabinet below held the music rolls for my grandparents' player piano. The beaded bag was my grandmother's and came from France in the early 20th Century.
The trees belonged to my mother and the tractor and wagon are Mark's. Having them "pull" an ornament is a nice way to incorporate them into the Christmas decor. Our teddy bears are spending the holiday enthroned in an upholstered chair in our bedroom.
I am always amazed that people have items from their past. Something to jog the memory to help savor good memories.
Posted by: Lisa at Greenbow | Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 06:17 AM
Thank you, Linda! How special to have these childhood treasures displayed instead of tucked away in an attic box! They add a touch of the whimsical and at the same time they represent a precious tie to the past. A very merry Christmas to you and Mark! fondly, Susan
Posted by: Susan Adler Sobol | Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 06:22 AM
I absolutely love your red room, still trying to convince my husband that we need one, it would be so cozy on a day like today. Was amused to discover that we have the same glass box and I believe it's a Ginny Doll suitcase??
Posted by: Jane Miller | Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 06:51 PM
Very impressive! I have few toys from my childhood, but many books. They are out on the bookshelves year-round. What a wonderful idea with the toys, and you have a knack for home decor and arranging.
Posted by: Beth @ PlantPostings | Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 08:28 PM
Jane — This is my second red room and I love it. But it takes about 4 or 5 coats of paint as red turns out to be quite transparent. Who knew?! I also used olive green trim to knock the intensity back a little and my other red room had dark woodwork. White trim would be quite a different effect, more summery. While the room is cosy in winter, it does not feel oppressive in summer.
I did not really remember that the trunk was a Ginny doll item until you mentioned it. But yes, I am sure that is the case as I had a Ginny. I added an American Airlines sticker to the trunk when I was a kid. My dad traveled a lot and they used those great stickers on luggage in those days.
Can't believe it is Dec. 23 and it's raining and I have early bulbs and snowdrops starting to poke up as well as Hellebores. Can't mulch them as that will keep them warm and speed up the process even more.
Posted by: Linda from Each Little World | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 09:51 AM
Beth — Thanks, Beth. We read a lot as kids but did not own many books. So that is one thing we don't have. But I've always loved children's books and have collected quite a few, especially alphabet books and Christmas books. Now I am at the stage where I am "de-accessioning" my collection and giving them as gifts every time there's a new baby!
Posted by: Linda from Each Little World | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 09:55 AM