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Wednesday, April 06, 2016


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rusty duck

I'm feeling pretty chuffed because I have flower buds on a peony I moved last year. Whether they will come to anything remains to be seen.
But peony buds mean Spring to me, I hope yours continues to resist the bad weather.

Lisa at Greenbow

I think this is amazing for your area. My peony tree has three buds on it. The poor thing got moved a couple of weeks ago. I probably should have cut off the buds so it could work on getting established again. I just read elsewhere that they don't like to be moved. Hmmmm We will see.

Linda from Each Little World

​Lisa — One of my regular "Mother's Day" peonies got dug up and plunked in a bucket for the summer last year while the driveway project was underway. Replanted it last fall and it's coming up. So I think they can take more abuse than we think.

Beth @ PlantPostings

Oh, now that's exciting! I haven't checked my Peonies--they're under several layers of leaf mulch. I guess I'd better check tomorrow. I have noticed Mayapples, Rhubarb, and Virginia Bluebells farther along than I would have expected with this cool weather. Early bulbs planted around your Peonies would be lovely.

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