Most of the members of Mark's family live in the area so we see them all the time; unlike my family who mostly live out East. So I was a little nervous when my niece Sarah asked if she could visit us. She had some free time and was on a road trip visiting friends and family near and far. We said "great," but I was a little concerned as we've rarely spent much time together over the years since she lives in Vermont. I was worried she'd be bored or find us too old to have any interests in common with her. I think she was a little worried as well since the last time she'd visited Wisconsin she was a little girl.
Turns out none of us need have worried. We had a great visit and enjoyed getting to know Sarah as an adult. The photo below was taken at the Monona Terrace Convention Center on Lake Monona, the last stop on our Frank Lloyd Wright tour. Alas, two weddings were taking place and much of the building and rooftop terrace was off-limits to everyone but wedding guests. But we had a full day of Frank last Thursday which I will blog about tomorrow.
What a blessing to have such a thoughtful sweet niece that comes to visit her Auntie and Uncle. I could tell she wasn't bashful when we met her. She is a beautiful lady too.
Posted by: Lisa at Greenbow | Wednesday, September 07, 2016 at 10:20 AM