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« Eyes on the prize | Main | Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: 4.15.2017 »

Friday, April 14, 2017


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Lisa at Greenbow

Sweet little flowers. I don't have any of these in my garden. Hmmmmm I do have some other wild flowers. My trillium is FINALLY spreading. It has been in the same place for years. I am glad it finally decided to spread. More to look forward to.

Beth @ PlantPostings

They are pretty little things. Definitely harbingers of spring. I like the straight species on this one the best...something about that particular shade of soft blue.


Wow! They really do look intriguing when they first emerge and charming thereafter. At one of his talks, Dan Hinkley spoke nostalgically about hepaticas carpeting the forest floor in your part of the country. What a sight that must be. You've got some beauties making their spring debut!

rusty duck

I have some growing from a seed sowing last year. They are tiny and definitely no flowers yet. Living in hope.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.