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Monday, February 19, 2018


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Lisa at Greenbow

What a treasure! It looks great sewn onto this fabric. It is a good thing to get it mounted so you can appreciate more and so can others.

My Snowdrops finally opened this past week. Yours will follow soon. It won't be as long as it has been. That is what I keep telling myself. :)

Jane Miller

Simply stunning. So glad you brought it out of the dark drawer.

Linda Brazill

Having a dedicated studio space is making it much easier to finish projects that have been hanging around forever. Working on a long-term project to write a book about our garden. A "Blurb" book but a big, hardcover, lots of pix book for me. I joke that it will be something that I can read in the "home," but it is not really that much of a joke.


What a beautiful piece of embroidery, and such a treasure to own and display - and wonderfully out of the box for IAVOM too. Thanks so much for sharing it today

Barbara H.

The background color you chose really sets off the collar, but I think it would look good on any color, really. Lovely, just lovely. I'm glad you are getting work done in the workroom! Wish I could say the same.

Linda Brazill

I keep reminding myself that organizing the space and reading the unread garden books on the shelves is OK. I don't have to be making something for me to feel like I'm getting something done. I am a list maker and if I can't cross something off, I always feel like I must be wasting my time! Very bad habit.


Absolutely gorgeous flowers....I would love to see that up close....the colors, the if real flowers were forever on the wall to enjoy!


That's a beautiful piece of embroidery Linda, and many thanks for sharing it with us. I see flowers and a beautiful vase. One of the things you could add to your make a new list and destroy the old one.

Loree / danger garden

Gorgeous, and definitely better on display than in a drawer.


Gorgeous collar/winter garden. So glad you decided to bring it out of the dark drawer and mount it!

Kris P

It makes a lovely piece of art, Linda, and kudos to you for doing a proper job of mounting it. I remember a silk scarf I had tucked away that I kept for years after realizing I'd never wear it as a scarf, thinking I could frame it as art. I think I eventually gave it away but I should dig about in my closet to check.

Erin @ The Impatient Gardener

Wow. That is stunning. You have the most interesting little collections. I enjoy seeing them.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.