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Thursday, March 29, 2018


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Oh well, you can always move them again this fall if you desire earlier blooms. This thinking thing you mentioned...I tried it once, hurt my head. Gave up. Feel much better now. (No brain, no pain.)

Alison Conliffe

I've made bone-headed changes in my garden too. It's so frustrating when you ultimately realize what you've done. I hope the Hellebores survive!

Loree / danger garden

Ugh. I have a whole series "learn from my mistakes" on my blog because of things I've done like this.

Linda Brazill

Always nice to know one is not alone in doing these things.

Lisa at Greenbow

Your poor hellebores. I bet they will forgive you. I certainly know the feeling of doing something in the garden that after a short while I wondered just what was I thinking.


Maybe it will be nice to have a few late hellebores? Of course by then so much will be coming into flower they might not be appreciated as much...

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.