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Thursday, April 05, 2018


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Beth @ PlantPostings

Those combinations do seem like they'll be very pleasant! I don't plant Tulips anymore because the rabbits eat them. Only fencing works (tried everything else) to keep them away. I might try plopping some in the middles of rings of Daffodils; we'll see. Good reminder to order bulbs early! My favorite bulb companies are Brent and Becky's and Colorblends.

Linda Brazill

It just occurred to me from your comments, that all my tulips are in the planting island in the middle of the street. I have not put any out in the garden in years. We'll see how this all works out!


These two species tulips look and sound pretty sweet. T. Sylvestris, happy growing in woodland situations sounds perfect for my less-than-sunny areas. Orange tulips with that bronze foliage would look really stunning. Thanks for the reminder to order early.


Those are some nice tulips!
I did place an order, but reading this has made me nervous I didn't order enough. Maybe another online visit wouldn't be the worst idea.... just to look of course, plus the cold leaves me with little else to do!

Linda Brazill

The problem with bulbs is that one orders in the spring, plants in the fall and then waits until the next spring to see the results. So I am always making combos that are never all quite there at the same time — at least not for a few years.

Linda Brazill

I did not really order than many. I think only 25 of the yellow and 15 of the orange. That is sort of a lot for me but not much for most folks.

My husband just looked out the window and said it is lightly snowing. Temp has gone down from 27 degrees when he got up early this a.m. Our overnight low is going down to 16 degrees. Not really atypical but certainly depressing.

Lisa at Greenbow

These tulips sound yummy. I am always impressed that you plan so far ahead. I never seem to. It sounds good though.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.