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Friday, May 18, 2018


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Barbara H.

Thank you for these reviews. Tovah Martin's book on Tasha Tudor brought her into my awareness along with some magazine articles. I was lucky enough to go to a Master Gardener state conference a few years ago where she was a speaker - in fact she's why I went. I don't really remember her talk but I was glad I went. Her new book sounds like it would make wonderful rainy day or winter reading. It also sounds like it is so rich that it might be better to read small sections at a time to absorb it all slowly.


I was just thinking of Tovah Martin the other day as I lugged a clivia out of the greenhouse. For a time, she appeared on The Victory Garden on PBS and her clivia repotting segment on that show is forever associated with that plant in my mind. The new book sounds divine!

Loree / danger garden

I'm sorry to read the O'Byrnes book was a bit of a disappointment. I had high hopes for it.


Book reviews are one of my favorite genres of garden blogging, and I've found yours more acute and informative than most. In the grip of hellebore lust late this winter, I came close to ordering the O'Byrnes' book on the basis of some luscious photos, but stopped myself when a broken furnace put the household finances under strain. Now I think I'll hold off (and hope that the library will acquire it before too long). Conditions in the Pacific Northwest are just too different to make nuts & bolts information very useful.

Lisa at Greenbow

I almost bought Tovah's book the other day. Now I wish I had. Now I guess I will. :)

Linda Brazill

i'd wait to get it from the library. Then you can always buy it if you love it.

Linda Brazill

I think you would enjoy Tovah Martin's book. You share some of the same interests and sensibilities based on your blog.

Linda Brazill

Since you live in the PNW it might be more appealing. But you don't strike me as having as colorful a garden as they do. I'd page through it at a bookstore before I plunked down my money.

Lady Locust

I love her writing! Now will have to look to it. Thank you for the glimpse.

Beth @ PlantPostings

I'd heard about Tovah Martin's book, but not the other one. I must get a copy. Our spring has been weird, but everthing's blooming at once now. Have you been to the Arb? It may be declining now, but when I was at the Longenecker Garden on Friday, the crabapples, lilacs, redbuds, and some late-blooming magnolias were all blooming at the same time. One of those "I wish I could capture this beauty in a bottle and bring it out during the winter" moments. ;-)

Linda Brazill

I think you would really like the Tovah Martin book. I think the two of you look at the world somewhat in the same way. Alas, I bet this rain put an end to the blossoms at the Arb.å


I have "A Tapestry Garden" on my wishlist. Thank you for the review. I wasn't familiar with Martin's book but I will add it as well.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.