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Thursday, May 17, 2018


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It's interesting how these have decided pop up in such a variety of conditions. I've one Trillium grandiflorum 'Flore Pleno' sitting in a pot in the ghetto because I'm afraid to let it loose in the open garden. This post makes me think I need to just throw it out there and let it sink or swim.

Loree / danger garden

I've not dipped my toe in the Trillium "pond" yet, thinking them too precious (needy). Perhaps I was wrong...

rusty duck

I’ve tried so many times to establish trilliums but never with any success. They are expensive over here so I’ve given up now. So sad, they are fabulous plants!

Linda Brazill

I planted T. 'Flore Pleno' a year or two ago and I still only have one leaf. But I am not complaining since it came back after our horrid winter.

Linda Brazill

If they are not too expensive to take a chance on, I would give them a try. My T. sessile are like a week they are such a big clump with seedlings around it. I confess my success is dumb luck.

Linda Brazill

They are a fabulous plant but I think you can find many things that will give you a great foliage splash that are suited to your climate and your budget.


Wow, that's amazing. My trilliums did not come back after a couple of years, but a friend just shared some gorgeous yellow ones with me this year. We can't get foxgloves to come back in our KC garden, so I am always jealous when we're in Europe and I see them growing out of cracks in castle walls.

Linda Brazill

I had good luck with foxgloves for a few years. Lots of seedlings last year but nothing so far this year. Very disappointing.

Barbara H.

I planted very tiny trillums in my woods in two places - they have not really grown (this was several years ago) and they've never flowered. They do come back, at least so far, so I'm grateful for that. I've had to mark the spots with rocks so I can find them. I envy your luck with them.

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