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Friday, June 01, 2018


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You're right, the new growth on evergreens is quite lovely. I often think of them as stalwart, changeless parts of the garden and am always surprised by the beauty of their new growth and color changes.


I love the new growth on conifers too. I think some of them are as colorful as flowers.


Long life and health to that stunning hemlock. Most of the ones planted on this place in the 1960s have succumbed to woolly adelgids, like the ones in nearby mountains. The landscape of high-elevation counties like Bath and Highland, where the hemlocks were the dominant tree, have been transformed, and not in a good way.

There's a survivor right in the back yard, though, that provides crucial shade and shelter and buffers the west wind. It lost the needles on about a third of its branches in the late 1980s but then refused to give another inch. Its peak is a regular stop on the perching circuit, its dense upper crown is home to a squirrel nest in use for the last 20 years or more, and there's constant bird traffic. Pretty sure that's what stopped the adelgids cold.

What sweet purty little thangs those 'Loowit's are!

Linda Brazill

Haven't been buying Hemlocks for the last few years because of the wooly monsters. Have not heard of then hitting us locally but it's only a matter of time. Word is that trees in N. Wisconsin are already having climate change issues because of higher temps.

Lisa at Greenbow

I love evergreens especially those little ones. They are so cute.

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