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Tuesday, October 16, 2018


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Lisa at Greenbow

That is a lot of locust leaves. Around our Ash tree we have a layer of ash seeds collecting. I leave them around the tree but take the ones from the patio and get rid of them due to them all germinating. I could have an Ash forest here. It is too bad that the Ash borer is around. It is really looking like fall at your place. I put away the big pots/planters in my garden yesterday. We didn't get a freeze yet but it is close.


That's a lot of leaves on your roof to deal with! Their small size will make them great winter mulch and they could even be left on the beds to decompose come spring. Love the look of your deck covered in golden leaf snow.

Loree / danger garden

I had a huge locust tree at my place in Spokane, I remember the golden drop fondly...until it was time to deal with clean up. I had no Mark, and no blower.

rusty duck

There's nothing like home grown mulch and what an attractive one the locust leaves will make. It's a lot of work though!

Kris P

After viewing the first photos, I was wondering if you kept the leaves for use as mulch. Collecting them is a chore and a half I'm sure but at least you get value for the effort.

Linda Brazill

I definitely use them for mulch. No chooping required.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.