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Wednesday, January 23, 2019


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Loree / danger garden

I can't help it, I just kind of recoil from all that snow.

Linda Brazill

Have to say the garden looks absolutely gorgeous, esp. since we did a lot of designing with winter in mind knowing we would spend a chunk of time looking out at it each year. A bit of sun popping through now. School was cancelled all through the area so it's pretty quiet out there.

The plows just went down the street again, mail has been delivered and the garbage crew has picked up recycling but not the garbage yet. The plow drivers are the garbage guys as well, so they are working overtime. And my first session of the gym class I signed up for — Living Falls Free — was cancelled. Can't have all of us oldies slipping and sliding to get to the gym.

Kris P

Pretty but clearly a LOT of work! Kudos to Mark for helping the neighbors.


Good for Mark for helping out the neighbors. The snow is beautiful but I'm happy that we get to avoid shoveling the stuff every winter. Snow doesn't stay long here so few people actually shovel or plow. Lots of things just shut down.

Lisa at Greenbow

Your snow is our rain. I would rather have snow though. It is supposed to get super cold again too. Poor little plants that have been exposed due to snow melt today. Oh well, that is SW Indiana weather for you. Your snowy garden is gorgeous. I love seeing it.

Beth @ PlantPostings

I think we got just a bit more snow over the course of the two storms than you did. I, too, am thankful that we have a powerful snowblower. It seems like a necessity for middle-aged and older folks in this climate. I'm not thrilled with the snow, but as you say, it insulates the dormant plants--especially with the bitter cold in our forecast.


I don't personally love the snow, but I'm so grateful to have it with these frigid temperatures on the way. The garden needs some insulation!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.