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Wednesday, February 27, 2019


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Barbara H.

Linda, you are such a good planner! These all look beautiful individually and together it will be stunning. Unfortunately, fall will be here before long since time seems to be speeding up each year.


These will make a fabulous combination. Your patience and planning are admirable. Always something for which to look forward in the garden.

Linda Brazill

​I'm sure I am not really being patient; I just can't garden for real so I am doing in my head and on paper.​

Linda Brazill

I know I did mention fall, but I am hoping to have a long lovely summer before it gets here!


One of my Pinterest boards is an imaginary witch hazel grove -- all warm, tawny colors like this. The peony with its very unusual foliage (which didn't appeal to me at all when you first showed it a while ago), would fit right in, and is going to look great with those companions you've planned.

I'm assuming that, like other peonies that have red early foliage, this one is green by the time summer arrives? Or does it retain a hint of its gold younger self?

Kris P

Anticipation is part of the fun, isn't it? It'll be beautiful and hopefully it will be one of many positive signs to emerge in 2020.

Lisa at Greenbow

Nothing like having something to look forward to. I wonder if I can grow those Heuchrellas?? I might have to try this one. It is purdy.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.