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Monday, August 26, 2019


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Lisa at Greenbow

Simply gorgeous. I think it so odd that I never noticed Arrowhead (Sagitaria latifolia) before you posted it on your blog. This weekend while out birding I found some in the wild blooming. It was a nice surprise. I have birded this area many years and never noticed this particular bloom. Maybe it is just making its way to our area. More likely I am usually looking up rather than down toward the ground or in a hurry. We had a flat tire which slowed us considerably.

Linda Brazill

Isn't it funny how once you are introduced to a plant you see it everywhere. Though I definitely see why you would be less likely to see it when out birding.

Kris P

The berry branch adds a graceful air, Linda, and I love that container. The arrangement suits your tea house well.

Linda Brazill

I was lucky to be able to buy a few Japanese Ikebana baskets one year when an antiques dealer from Japan set up a pop up shop in Madison. He and his wife did that for three summers, so we got to socialize and shop with them. They brought things that we would never have seen in the Midwest otherwise.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.