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Friday, August 16, 2019


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Barbara H.

It looks fantastic. Hope it lasts a long time in spite of the shady conditions. Your stone work is marvelous.


This is the perfect use for grass, assuming the shade allows it to continue to flourish.....and if not its lovely right now.


Linda Brazill

All of our other grass is now being seeded with clover or replaced with Carexes and ferns since it is more shade than sun. But this crisp little square is a big improvement.

Kris P

Well-conceived and the update was flawlessly executed (even if it took multiple steps to get there).

Lisa at Greenbow

This is mighty crispy. I think it really makes the plants, stones and even the deck show up nice. Good job. Nothing like a last minute rush to get you all tidied up for the tour.

Lisa at Greenbow

P.S. I enjoy seeing before and after pictures.


Pine needles gave an even more Japanese feeling to your garden, and seem especially appropriate for Conifer Society visitors (pandering, even! ). But the sod square v.2 is brilliant, and it's wonderful that you have such good shots of v.1. Hope the arboretum-ists were suitably impressed.


The post-tour rain takes on renewed significance in light of this account, too! Nothing like it to help knit together Mark's laborious piecework.


How exciting to freshen it all up like that! For as much as some gardeners like to poo-poo lawn there's no more restful and inviting surface imo... assuming it's been nicely cut and trimmed, such as mine became today!
That said I just removed a little more grass this afternoon to even out a border. My garden is still on the too-much lawn side of the equation.

Linda Brazill

This little swatch of lawn is the only real grass lawn left. We are planting clover into a law under our Bur oak tree which we refer to as the Oak Savanna, a very Midwestern prairie landscape. Our two sloping hills have turned from grass to a mix of everything and now almost entirely weeds. So my current task is to transform them with Carexes, ferns and gingers. So far it is little clumps of Carex with bare dirt in-between.

Linda Brazill

More rain last night so it is really helping our grass settle in.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.