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Tuesday, August 13, 2019


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Yes, exquisite they are!

Kris P

Very pretty! Perfect for inclusion in a tallish vase perhaps? Or perhaps a small vase sitting on an upper shelf.

rusty duck

Am loving the Anemonopsis. Has it endured a winter yet? On the list!

danger garden

Oh, I really like that Anemonopsis macrophylla, might have to add it to my lust list.

Barbara H.

Those are both new to me. Did your garden tour get rained out? If not, I hope it went well.

Linda Brazill

I planted it in the fall of 2015. We had bad winters in 2017/18 and this last winter as well. Extreme cold both times and little snow cover in 2017/18. Came through fine. This year it is really covered in buds and seems to have settled in nicely.

Linda Brazill

Duh! I often put snowdrops up high on a shelf to enjoy. Thanks for making me realize I could do the same thing with summer plants. Heat must be getting to my brain.

Linda Brazill

Tour went off nicely. Mark took lots of photos of the garden before folks came and a few of the tour. As soon as I go through them I will post some. He probably took 200 pix.

Lisa at Greenbow

Interesting flowers. Maybe you need to plant some out by the drive where you would look up at them. They are too pretty to miss.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.