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Monday, October 14, 2019


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Begonias are wonderful, aren't they Linda? I admire that you can rearrange your art work throughout the rooms--a great way to really appreciate each piece.

Barbara H.

Yes, I love those begonia seed pods. Our hot weather finally broke but not much rain yet - looking for some possibly this week. First frost - oh dear, it seems early but then it's been a long time since I lived in the Midwest. Stay warm!

Linda Brazill

This is my first real success with a hardy outdoor Begonia so I am very pleased with it. We have so much art that the only way we can enjoy it all is be rearranging it. 

Linda Brazill

Actually, our first potential frost date is the end of September. So I consider the garden is living on borrowed time!


The pinky red and green of the leaves, flowers and seed pods works really well together and shows the thought you put into assembling them. I like the idea of rearranging art as it would be so easy just not to notice things that have ben hanging or sitting for a long time

Kris P

I'm always attracted to Heuchera foliage, which is probably why I keep buying the plants even though they don't last long in my garden. The begonia seedpods are interesting, as well as attractive.

Linda Brazill

There are a couple of issues for us with Heucheras. I try to buy varieties that have a H. villosa parent as they are more resistant to heat and humidity, so are OK no matter what kind of hot summer we have. Then, every few years, I re-seat them; meaning dig them out and bury most of the stem that has been growing higher and higher out of the ground. That makes them put out new growth and fill in beautifully instead of slowly dying off. 
I think it may still be too hot and dry for you but you might try the villosa hybrids and see how they do. 

Lisa at Greenbow

We finally got some rain. A whole inch. It certainly made it feel better here. Took the dust down a notch. I love those leaves. I have a small cluster of those hardy begonias. I just love them. I bet they grow like crazy for you. This was a good year with all that rain up your way to get them established.

Amelia Grant

Love the Begonia and Huechera foliage. Is that Begonia grandis? I am surprised you have it. Looks great. Stay warm.

Loree / danger garden

The living room mantle arrangement, and the artwork around it, wow! It's just so fabulous.


Those are lovely. I do like the foliage in that first one--great idea!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.