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Tuesday, May 05, 2020


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That sounds pretty good, I wouldn't have minded hanging out with the two of you if that's how you run your weekends!
It's so nice seeing the garden spring back to life. I love that fritillaria thunbergii, and even better to hear it's a good grower. hmmm :)

Lisa at Greenbow

So many pretties. I am glad you had time and good weather to enjoy them. You work so hard in the garden you need to reap those rewards when you get the chance. Tea, Gin and tonics sound yummy and what a setting to imbibe!

Kris P

My brain briefly short-circuited when I read your first statement about temperatures reaching the 70s making you think of summer. If only! Temperatures in the upper 80s make me think of summer and we're headed to another round with the 90s this week...

But I digress. Your garden is absolutely beautiful even with the bunny damage. (How can such a cute critter be so evil?!) That may be the prettiest Fritillaria I've ever seen, not that there's any chance I could grow it. I hope you get more "summery" weather soon (your version, not mine).

Loree / danger garden

I love having a garden destination for "refreshments"... I've been slow to get our patio furniture out and oiled for the season but I think tomorrow's the day. Cue happy hour!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.