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Tuesday, June 16, 2020


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I will be so sad if my alliums ever decide to disappear! Although it does seem to be happening with my Schubertiis. Every year I say I am going to order a Guernsey Cream, and every year I forget. It's so beautiful. I love your primroses. Wish we could grow them!

Barbara H.

You've had lots of beauty in your garden even if it is proving to be fleeting due to weather conditions. Love it all but especially the primroses.

Loree / danger garden

Oh those peonies! And I'm quite jealous of your Rosa glauca, I love that foliage and the hips that come later.

Kris P

I'd say you're doing well with your June blooms, Linda, especially given the weather challenges you've faced. I'd probably exchange a half dozen of my bloomers for just one blooming peony!


The peonies are so fantastic. They're something to wait for and then you enjoy them quickly before it's too late. Kind of like magnolias, you have to catch them quick before either too cold or too hot does them in.
I've also got some sad looking lilies. All but 2 regale lilies became mush and about half the OT hybrids are dormant and waiting for next year. Even my p. japonica had their flower buds fried, so lucky you on that one.
It's always something, and if it's not then you're wondering when it's coming!

Lisa at Greenbow

Love that peony. You still have a lot blooming despite no lilies. My lilies suffered too. I even fenced the ones that the rabbits ate last year and then the frost got em this year. Not fair.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.