By high summer, flowers and color have been banished to the very back of my garden. I want green and serene when I look out from now on.
Clockwise from left front: Hosta 'Spritzer,' Cornus 'Golden Shadows,' Adiantum pedatum, Tiarella 'Running Tapestry,' Carex Divulsa, Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great,' Deinanthe caerula and Heuchera 'Autumn Haze'
Acer tegmentosum 'White Tigress,' Athyrium hybrida 'Ghost' and Hosta 'El Nino'
Astilbe 'Garnet,' Hosta 'Shade Fanfare,' Brunnera macrophylla 'Sea Heart,' Melica unipolar f. albida (grassy foliage) and Paeonia veitchii (The black hole in the center is probably more Heuchera 'Autumn Haze')
Athyrium niponicum var. 'Pictum', Hostas 'Spritzer' and 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'
Kirengeshoma palmata, Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' and Heuchera 'Palace Purple'
Paeonia japonica, Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold,' Athyrium niponicum var. 'Pictum' and Epimedium 'Lilac Fairy'
Polystichum acrostichoides aka Christmas fern, Carex morrowi 'Ice Dance,' Hosta 'Inniswood,' Heuchera 'Green Spice,' Tiarella 'Elizabeth Oliver,' Carex caryophylla 'Beatlelmania/Mophead' and Epimediumx youngianum 'Baby Doll Pink'
The next two photographs offer close-ups of the grassy foliage in the above picture. Polystichum acrostichoides, Carex morrowi 'Ice Dance' and Heuchera 'Green Spice
Tiarella 'Elizabeth Oliver' and Carex caryophylla 'Beatlelmania/Mophead,' which is much more yellow in person
You have mastered the art of combining textures and colors to create a foliage masterpiece.
Posted by: Barbara H. | Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 07:36 AM
Oh but you do foliage so well! Those photos are drop dead gorgeous, and thank you for all the names too.
Posted by: Loree / danger garden | Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 10:29 AM
These are beautiful foliage combinations, Linda. If I had foliage this lovely, I think I could be happy without flowers. And from a confirmed "flower freak" that's high praise!
Posted by: Kris P | Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 12:16 PM
At first glance I though the Tiarella blooms were part of the Carex, and wondered why no one talks more about C. convulsa...then read more closely. What a great combination of textures! And what a climate: foamflower in bloom in late July.
Posted by: Nell Lancaster | Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 02:52 PM
Having gone in search of more info about the graceful sedge, I believe it's C. divulsa, not convulsa.
Love love love the echo between the Tiarella and Heuchera foliage. A really delightful scene; thanks!
Posted by: Nell Lancaster | Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 02:59 PM
I love the green!
Posted by: Christine | Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 09:03 PM
Wow. What a tapestry of color and shape, and such a contrast to the dried up shade plantings in this garden!
Your maiden hair fern is such an amazing planting, I love it.
Posted by: Frank | Friday, July 31, 2020 at 07:12 AM
The hottest July in 8 years and the wettest July in 28 years is what the weather man said yesterday before we got 5" of rain. It rained all day. When I see all your lovely foliage I wish I could keep mine looking so good. If we had rain like yesterday all the time it would be possible but those extended high temps we get anymore sure curb my urge to go for this look. I admire your garden any way you present it, so well done.
Posted by: Lisa at Greenbow | Friday, July 31, 2020 at 08:49 AM
I've learned so much from you, Linda, and enjoy your beautiful garden/s. Always inspiring.
Posted by: Susan Tiffany | Saturday, August 01, 2020 at 03:57 PM