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Friday, July 10, 2020


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Barbara H.

Oh gosh, you've got a lot of problems going on but the silver lining is that the tour was cancelled so you don't have to stress as much as you might have. The old dogwoods in my yard, at least eleven, have varying degrees of deadwood and I think they are all on the way out. The biggest loss will the two that border my "courtyard" giving shade and screening me from the road. Losing trees is disturbing when you have planted relying on their shade.

Loree / danger garden

I am sure, had the bloggers visited, all they would have seen was beauty. I'm not making light of your problems, just noting that others usually have more forgiving eyes.


Your garden is so lovely that I wouldn't notice any of this unless you pointed it out to me. Jim is hopefully getting a leak fixed right now. He had a cycling accident Sunday, two screws put to stabilize a broken sacrum Wednesday, and now they're trying to find and fix a bleeder. It's been a week! Wait, it's only been five days...

Kris P

I suspect that anyone who's ever hosted a garden tour has faced a similar litany of problems. After all, Mother Nature - and general circumstance - never stop throwing wrenches into the gears of life. The Japanese maple looks like an art piece to me. What's the story behind the tower in the last photo?

Lisa at Greenbow

You with too much rain and here not enough. You just never know. It does rather dash your hopes for a wonderful gardening year to have such problems. I hope you get them all sorted out. I don't mind leaving things out if I can't look out the window and see them. It drives me crazy if I can see them. ha... Your j Maple looks like you tried to bonsai it in the ground. It appears that it is trying to recuperate. Good luck. I hope Mark is feeling alright. He is a trooper.

Beth @ PlantPostings

Every year and every garden has challenges and unique beauty. Your garden is amazing, no matter what. But I know what you mean that sometimes the challenges seem to happen all at once, and they can be overwhelming. Hang in there. :)


Your Japanese maple now looks like a character from a Dr. Seuss book! No heat or rain here, just temperatures too cool to make it feel like summer. Yesterday it actually got up to 72°...a heat wave!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.