I clipped more Toad lilies on Friday afternoon before the temperatures took a dive. The foliage on Tricyrtis hirta 'Lemon Twist' was hard hit by drought and heat at the end of the summer and was pretty crisp and brown. I removed most of it, though perhaps one might let it alone to echo the brown speckles on the inside of the flowers.
The creamy white stems are the flowers of Heucher 'Brownies'.
I have a love/hate relationship with this toad lily because it always seems to have foliage issues by the time the flowers open.
But the flowers are so large and lovely, that last autumn I spread the plants out so I'd have twice as many this year. Worked beautifully: Twice the flowers and twice the crunchy brown leaves!
One stem of Tricyrtis macrantha, yellow bell toad lily, was finally opening so I clipped it and brought it indoors. Then I made Date and Nut Bread from Frances Palmer's just-published book, "Life in the Studio: Inspiration and Lessons on Creativity."
The flower and the slice of bread were both enjoyed by this gardener on a chilly afternoon.
Linda, what a great presentation. It's a pretty flower. I have some reblooming irises that are nice except for the foliage, which is usually looking worse for the wear by the time they bloom. And yet, it's a treat to have flowers.
Posted by: Susie | Monday, October 19, 2020 at 08:29 AM
SUSIE: I agree about the foliage at this time of year. They look much better in a vase where I can trim off the brown leaves than they do right now in the garden.
Posted by: Linda Brazill | Monday, October 19, 2020 at 09:02 AM
My toad lilies always look toasted by the time they bloom. I have learned to appreciate the blooms most. This looks like the perfect setting for an afternoon that is so filling. Toad lilies to fill your eyes and tasty bread to fill your tummy. Have a fun filled week.
Posted by: Lisa at Greenbow | Monday, October 19, 2020 at 11:57 AM
LISA: You have a good week as well. I will need to get out in the garden and do cleanup. Hoping for a couple of warmer and sunny days. Not sure if that will happen this week.
Posted by: Linda Brazill | Monday, October 19, 2020 at 12:00 PM
I'm so envious of those toad lilies, even if they don't present the flowers with pristine foliage intact. In my view, that's an invitation to cut the flowers ;)
Posted by: Kris P | Monday, October 19, 2020 at 04:36 PM
Such pretty toad lilies– I didn't know that they came in yellow!
Posted by: Eliza Waters | Monday, October 19, 2020 at 08:15 PM