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Friday, October 23, 2020


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That is a beautiful deck. I love how they used the two widths of boards, and the finish on the corner is gorgeous!

Jane Miller

Stunning. You will certainly get lots of enjoyment out of this addition to your beautiful garden,.

Linda Brazill

JANE — I can't believe I would ever be oohing and aahing over a deck! But we are more than happy with this project.

Linda Brazill

KRIS — Absolutely! We were thrilled with the quality of their work.

Lisa at Greenbow

Wow, it turned out fabulous. Definitely a work of art with all the fitting. You will be especially happy with the hardware cloth down to keep the rabbits skunks and other critters out from under the deck. I think I will drink to that too. ;)

Barbara H.

Well, Vanna, it looked to me like you were connecting to the spirit of the Ipe wood. It's a beautiful deck and totally matches the soul of your garden and house - which of course have both been infused by you and Mark.

Linda Brazill

LISA — If the rabbits can't burrow under the deck, I am hoping they will have a harder time procreating and surviving in our garden. I would not mind a couple of bunnies, but the endless big families are taking a toll on the plants.

Linda Brazill

BARBARA — Thanks for the kind words about the garden.

danger garden

Wow, that's just lovely! It is simple, but yet elegant, refined. Nice that you got to celebrate with the guys.

As for the no music/no smoking rule, bless him! I picked up so many cigarette butts in in our garden after our neighbor's had work done, and the music...! Our homes are close enough together that it might as well have been playing in my house.

Kris P

What a beautiful deck and a tremendous job! You found true professionals to do the job. Kudos!

rusty duck

That is a magnificent piece of work, the perfect addition to your garden. And fully deserving of a bubble or two!


This is what I've been waiting for! It looks even better than I expected, what a great job. I think it's going to look even better as it weathers and it must be exciting to look out and see it every morning :)


Wow, congratulations; it looks great! That must be a relief to have it all done. Great Vanna impression, too. ;-)

Nell Lancaster

I love that you can walk right out to it without stepping down, a dream of mine.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.