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Tuesday, February 09, 2021


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Barbara H.

Oh, I love it, Linda! Great idea and great choices - I'm starting my day with a smile.

Linda Brazill

I couldn’t believe those names. Just had to share.

Kris P

Perfect selections, Linda!


Oh my gosh, such perfect names!!


Solaris has some amazing day lilies...and I want to buy some of them simply because of the names! I would love to know the back story of who and how the names are chosen.

Linda Brazill

CHRISTINE - I am often cranky about daylily names. I don't want to grow a Lucille Ball or Elvis, which I've seen. But these names were incredible. You are right about the backstory.

Lisa at Greenbow

Great names for this year. Funny how names of plants can influence our purchases. I have a whole flock of birds. ;)

Linda Brazill

LISA — I've bought a number of bulbs from Old House Gardens because I like the historic associations (and names!).

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.