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Tuesday, March 02, 2021


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Barbara H.

Great news for a great garden - yours.


That is definitely great to hear! As you said, it is something I have been thinking about more often.

Loree L Bohl

Reading this my mind naturally goes back to the rude troll who commented on my blog calling my plants "exotic nonsense" (how about planting some natives along with all your exotic nonsense? How are native insects supposed to survive our avaricious onslaught if they can't even live in our yards?). Who gets the last laugh now?

Kris P

I think that's a great message to underscore, Linda. I too plant lots of non-natives, albeit ones with very different origins than those that thrive in your beautiful garden. In a world facing extreme climate change, finding plants adapted to my Mediterranean climate is more important than tracking down plants that grew here in the 1800s or before. And pollinators, birds and other wildlife are clearly not put off my selections. In my view, plants that flourish under current conditions (without becoming invasive) are more useful than those that someone say used to grow here before generations of humans changed the environment.

Linda Brazill

Thanks for these long comments. It is nice to feel that we are doing our bit without having to rip out our gardens and start over.

Lisa at Greenbow

I agree with Garrett and am pleased with their findings.
I too have lots of ornamentals. I haven't done an audit but I can tell you I have lots of bugs and wildlife in the garden. I think the main thing is no chemicals. Bugs can't protect themselves. Another way to look at it is that if you want more butterflies you have to have their needs in mind when you plant. Same with other wildlife.


Oh gosh, your garden is awesome! Please continue your trends. I think leaning toward natives is a great thing, but the main thing I'm trying to do is avoid and delete invasives. We've had to pull out some things, and it's an ongoing process, isn't it? And, yes, to avoiding chemicals.

Linda Brazill

LISA — I think you have nailed it with planting for what wildlife you want and no chemicals. I think having  no fancy lawn gets you away from chemicals quickly.

Linda Brazill

BETH — I agree with you on fighting invasives. We periodically get garlic mustard but it is creeping bellflower etc that is the big devil here. I keep working at it but it is so difficult to get all those little roots.

Susie at pbmGarden

Thanks for sharing this update. It's good to keep things in perspective. I love the idea of natives but many I don't really like and a lot of them have been messy or aggressive. Still lots to learn.


Haha, I can do diversity! It will be my perfect excuse when someone says it looks cluttered and "busy". Anything beats boring lawn and empty mulch beds.

Linda Brazill

SUSIE — Lots to learn for sure!

Emily Buckingham

I would suggest that anyone who wants to dig deeper into the topic of the insects that native plants support vs. non-natives read Doug Tallamy's excellent book, Bringing Nature Home.

Linda Brazill

EMILY- I have Doug’s latest book and keep adding more natives, so I am looking forward to his upcoming Olbrich talk. Just made a list using the WI DNR to see exactly which natives I’m growing and how many etc.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.