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Friday, October 08, 2021


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ah, I was wondering about Fred and Ethel; perhaps they will visit the new water feature for old times sake.


Linda Brazill

CECI — We've seen Fred and Ethel land on an opening in the mostly frozen pond that was about the size of the new water feature. But somehow I don't think they'll chance it. 

Barbara H.

This was so interesting and also quite awe inspiring - what a huge project to construct. The interesting thing is that your pond seemed much bigger to me over these many years that I have been following you. That's probably due to the variety of plantings that you have and the great over all design.

danger garden

On sunny fall days I sometimes think back to the fall we put in our patio, 2007. Just 14 years ago but in some ways it feels like a lifetime. Andrew likes to say he's glad he did it when he was young, as each paver weighs 90 pounds. Seeing that photo of your friends and neighbors with the pond liner had me thinking about that. Mark's drawings are works of art!

Kris P

What an incredible effort, Linda! Before the persistent drought here convinced me that adding a pond would be a mistake, I think this post would have made me wary of the effort involved by itself. It looks even more difficult than putting in a swimming pool. I'll miss Fred and Ethel and I hope they find another water source nearby that fits their needs.

Linda Brazill

BARBARA — Compared to the size of ponds in most home gardens, it is big: 20' x 30' with 30' of stream connecting the big pond to the upper pool.

Linda Brazill

LORI — ​I am amazed at how much Mark accomplished on his own on the pond this summer; all without getting hurt. He never starts a project without rough drawings at the very least. ​

Linda Brazill

KRIS — Our house is midway between a local park and a golf course, both of which have water. So Fred and Ethel should do OK. 


I don't know if I ever realized the scale of your pond. It looks immense with the reference of your helpers pulling out the liner! Also the hole... oh my gosh... I don't think I have the vision to think that big. My ponds shall forever be undersized pits.
The photos of your garden from the younger days are amazing. To see it all come together now and then shift for another big change really does remind you of what a transient art gardening is.

Linda Brazill

FRANK — ​I will admit that none of this would ever have happened if my husband didn't have the design and visualization skills to figure this out. I can imagine and picture things in my mind's eye but I am no good at 3-d design except with plants.

The pond is 20' x 30' with 30' of stream between the upper and lower portions. It holds (held) 7,500 gal. of water.

We belonged to a pond group at the time we started the garden and almost everyone was on their 2nd or 3rd redo of their pond, making it bigger. We decided to make ours big and be the main feature of the garden as a result. ​


haha, I know what it's like to fall in with the wrong crowd and suddenly you're doing all kinds of crazy with the garden! Just think how many people are reconsidering their driveways and decks based on your most recent adventures. I know I did!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.