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Monday, October 11, 2021


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Barbara H.

Such monumental tasks, both creating and finally dismantling this pond that "lived large" in your garden for so long.


What a lot of work! The results will be worth it though. Is all that goop, sludge, organic debris compostable? What do you do with it?


Wow, wow, wow!! I can't imagine many people besides Mark to have the patience and energy to do this on his own. I'm glad he took his time and drank plenty of water. Were you able to find a new home for the pump? I'm glad you mentioned Fred and Ethel in the last post, as I'd been thinking about them.

Linda Brazill

BARBARA — ​I love that image: "Lived large"!​

Linda Brazill

ELIZABETH — It was compostable but there was more than we could handle. So we took it to the city compost site. Mark dried some of it out and put it back in the hole and we're hoping that does not cause a problem down the road.

Linda Brazill

KRISTIN — ​Would you believe that as he was finishing up he broke the pump! And you are right that it would take someone with Mark's vision and patience to do the grunt work to get this started. We were both surprised at how many decisions he had to make right from the beginning that could not have been made by a landscape company.​

Kris P

Your earlier post on how the pond was put together 24 years ago helped to emphasize the difficulties associated with dismantling it. What a job! I'm glad the two of you got through the process without injury - and with your sanity intact.

Linda Brazill

KRIS P. — Your mention of sanity reminded me of how many disagreements/confusions we had with each other in building the pond. I asked a lot of questions this time, made lots of suggestions but we were generally in agreement and good spirits about this big job. 

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.