It's December in Wisconsin so it's not exactly the moment to find flowers in my garden. We are not buried under snow like last year, however, and so I did unearth a few things hidden under the leaves yesterday afternoon. It's foggy this morning with a forecast of rain and possible severe storms. The temperature at 8 a.m. is 52°F.
I clipped enough Helleborus niger flowers to fill three small Heath vases that I put in my bathroom. I used their colors as the theme for a bit of holiday decor.
The buds in this vase on the other side of my vanity sink haven't opened yet.
I love the pattern on this vase against the tissue holder's faux shagreen.
I used Hellebore foliage in two of the vases.
In the third I put a leaf from a Hepatica and a frond from a Hart's Tongue fern.
I've been cutting Hellebore flowers from one plant for over a month. Each one lasts at least two weeks so I should be able to enjoy these right up to Christmas.
Beautiful vignettes, Linda. I'm amazed that you already have hellebore blooms. I hope your storm isn't severe enough to cause damage.
Posted by: Kris P | Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 01:20 PM
Very sweet vases. I too am surprised that you have hellebore blooms already. None on mine yet but the very small seedlings coming up in a shady area where I scattered seed pods a year or two ago have put on a spurt of growth, which made me happy. Probably be a few years before they flower. I keep putting off moving the large parents which with the loss of a dogwood may now be in too much sun.
Posted by: Barbara H. | Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 02:04 PM
Thanks for sharing a close-up of that vase, it's wonderful. Nice work on finding flowers in December!
Posted by: danger garden | Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 11:46 AM