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« Autumn perfection | Main | Fall clean-up finished just in time »

Monday, November 14, 2022


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Barbara H.

Transitions - gotta love them. Often better than what comes at the end - at least when that is winter.

danger garden

Seriously! Plants are amazing. To think there are plants in my garden that sail thru temperatures over 100 for days and then do just as well when they're in the 30's. Your Helleborus niger is lovely.

Kris P

Both arrangement are lovely, Linda, and good for you for catching the flowers in both at just the right moment. Is it early to have hellebores blooming in your part of the country? I don't see any of those flowers here until spring (and then only when I'm lucky to get enough rain).


Good year for the H. nigra. Lovely! I'm not ready for the snow, but I guess it's time. Stay safe. :)


That is 1 gorgeous Hellebore!

The vase and the Belcamda stem were perfect for each other.

I really like black foliage--a black Aeonium and black-leaved Lagerstroemias provide for that here.


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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.