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« In a vase on Wednesday | Main | A Week of Flowers: Day 1 »

Monday, November 28, 2022


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They're lovely!

danger garden

Oh those are wonderful. If the short one you started with is your new purchase I'd say you chose very well, it is perfect.

Linda Brazill

DANGER — Actually the short one was my first purchase. I just did a Blurb book of about 100 IVOM vases. Should arrive this week. I am trying to keep print images of things I want to remember for when Typepad crashes for good etc. 

Kris P

My rule of thumb is, when you see a vase you like, buy it! I can never find anything I like when I mount a conscious search for one.


Oh, so true. Those are beautiful vases, and just as lovely on their own as with flowers in them.


Gorgeous glass work--love them! Black & Silver is a favorite color combo.

Flowers do add something--aliveness. :)

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.