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Monday, December 05, 2022


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I love this combo. This is on the north side, right? We had to remove a tree in front of our house, and some of my hostas are struggling as its replacement is tiny. I also have a terrible time on the west side of our house which is dry shade under a large oak most of the day, but also gets some pretty hot sun sometimes. I need to do some more research, but thanks for the inspiration!


What a pretty display!

Linda Brazill

KRISTIN— Yes, the north side but quite sunny. Lots of sand and salt as it's right at the curb. But everything is happy. 
I have had so many plants self-seed in a spot that seems all wrong for them that it is hard sometimes to figure out what to plant where. 

Kris P

You made inspired choices to replace the hostas. They meld together beautifully.


These go so well together Linda. Calamintha is something I would like to try as it is apparently very drought hardy. The Geranium looks pretty growing up through it and I bet it is a lovely sight when you turn into your driveway! 😃

Linda Brazill

CATHY — ​Calamintha has become a local favorite as it is grown in our botanical gardens in sustainable gravel gardens with little or no added water.

B​e sure to get Calamintha nepeta ssp. nepeta as it does not self seed which can be a problem with other Calamints and Nepetas. ​


Love it, what an awesome combination! I need to get a calamintha. I was impressed by the one growing next door, but then never swiped a division and of course now have my regrets since that one died!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.