It's lightly snowing this morning and the temperature is currently 28°F (-2.22°C), but supposedly it feels like 17°F (-8.33°C). By Monday we'll be hitting 40°F (4.44°C) with rain.
The only plant that's currently happy is Arum italicum 'Ghost' which comes up in late fall when the temperature drops. It looks great despite snow, rain and seriously cold temps.
I'm surprised the Arum holds up to cold and snow so beautifully. Definitely worth having in your garden!
Posted by: Kris P | Friday, January 13, 2023 at 01:46 PM
Wow, that is a tough little plant. Yes, it was chilly today, but not windy this afternoon, so that helped a little. We took a hike out to Lake Kegonsa State Park. And with all our warm clothes it was actually somewhat comfortable. LOL.
Posted by: Beth@PlantPostings | Friday, January 13, 2023 at 07:42 PM