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Monday, February 20, 2023


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What an interesting idea, a good winter project for sure. Love the charming patch of dainty crested irises.

Linda Brazill

GINNY — ​I love those crested Irises as well. Such a trouble-free plant. It increases nicely and is easy to pull out if it starts to travel where you don't want it.


I have a hard time with it. It never makes a patch. It's in mostly sun, clay soil, and I don't think it likes the Maryland summer heat/humidity. I guess I really do need to move it to a more amenable spot... It's small, waning, and easy to forget! Any words of wisdom?

danger garden

Naturally your post sent me looking at my plant list page on the blog. I have a couple "F" plants (plus I group my ferns that way too), and in fact the only letters I am missing are W and Z, since the Weigela, Zamia and Zingiber all kicked the bucket. What an interesting way to think about our plants!

Linda Brazill

LOREE — It is a surprise to realize there are certain letters where we have no plants. Who knew?

Kris P

A new word game! Like Loree, I went to my plant list, which was something of a cumbersome exercise as that list is organized by area and includes a large number of plants I've lost (albeit most are marked as such). I couldn't find anything under "Q" at all and the only plants under "U" were deceased (Uncinia and Ursinia). The only plant I have under "X" is Xerochrysum (straw flower), although it's an annual. Adding common names might complicate things further. And let's not even speak of all the reclassifications we've yet to heat about...

Linda Brazill

GINNY — Wish I could give you a specific bit of info that would solve the problem for you. I think you are correct about heat and humidity as issues. Last summer we were much hotter than normal which my garden did not like. My Irises are on a fairly shady slope. Gets morning sun but most afternoon sun is quite filtered. The soil is not particularly moist but it is reasonably good compared to the clay I have elsewhere.

Linda Brazill

KRIS P. – Definitely let's not talk about new plant names. I am not even trying anymore to keep up with them. And none of them are easier to remember or shorter!


Thanks for your thoughts, Linda. As soon as the straggling remainders show up, I'm going whisk them to a new shadier spot. Fingers crossed!


Oh my gosh be careful, I can sense the fever building and unless you see some green sprouts soon I fear the damage this will do to your bank account.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.