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Thursday, March 30, 2023


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Kris P

That's impressive! I can't offer any input as my hellebores barely hang on from one year to another.


Its a little hellebore jungle! What a delightful surprise. I just leave my seedlings where they planted themselves, I've never tried to move them before. Maybe you could try some now, but leave some also. That way if a springtime move is unsuccessful, you could try the remainder in the fall? That's what I'd do.
Sometimes I think when you move things in the early spring and promptly replant them (like immediately), they hardly know they've been moved. Sorry, didn't mean to write a book here, heh heh.


That's exciting! I've had quite a few Hellebore seedlings, but I haven't divided/moved them. I think I should do so this growing season. Soon, the garden will come alive. I hope we've seen the end of the very cold weather (sounds like we'll get a little more snow...).

Linda Brazill

GINNY — Thanks for the suggestions. Normally I would just move seedlings or get rid of them but I like this plant and definitely want a bunch of them to succeed.

Linda Brazill

BETH — I am so ready for winter to be gone. I'm good with rain but I'd like a little warmth with it. Still quite a bit of snow in my garden.


Hey Linda, I've moved hellebore seedlings all around the garden. If they show up with an ugly flower later, I grub them out. They are simple to grow. Happy Spring!~~Dee

Linda Brazill

DEE — Thanks. I wondered if hey might not come true to parentage. 

Barbara H.

I get lots of seedlings but my immediate thought is that it seems to take a few years for them to reach blooming size. Could be wrong, though - too many to really keep track. I've also harvested the seed heads and sprinkled them in areas where I want them. Hope your weather is stabilizing.

Linda Brazill

BARBARA — ​Getting some rain and warmer temps so that should mean spring might really be here.


My Corsican Hellebore often have seedlings. Painfully slow growing, I leave the seedlings in place for a couple of years then pot them in nursery or clay pots, 'stationed' where they were harvested. Still alive a year later? I give them away or find a spot for them in the garden. I can always make room for another hellebore...

Linda Brazill

CHAVLI — Thanks for that advice. I like the foliage enough that I'd be happy to have a swath of it even if I don't get great flowers.


Hellebore seedlings have been easy here. I move them to give them space the spring following the year they appear, and they grow into plants very similar to the parent. I just moved a 'Pink Frost' seedling (first and only) to a place where it can grow and stay, and noticed how similar its leaves were to 'Pink Frost'.

They are not fast. I think it has been 3 or 4 years before they start flowering.

Also some seedlings (of any genus--not just Helleborus) just are not good plants. I've noticed that growing from seed--there are some seedlings that just don't want to live.

danger garden

People often talk about their hellebore seedlings, I've never had even one!

Linda Brazill

DANGER — Very quirky how these things work.​

Linda Brazill

hb — Thanks for all this helpful info. Now I need to make a note of it so I remember it when I need it!

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