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Friday, April 28, 2023


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Oh Linda, those clumps of fiddle heads are delightful! I think I almost like this stage of fern growth best. What a pleasure to watch them unfurl. And the dutchman's britches have always been a wildflower fave. You're fortunate to have them all over.
It's so hard not to exhaust yourself in the spring garden, isn't it? We have a full day of much needed rain today (aka "forced rest").
I'm enjoying watching your garden unfold!

Linda Brazill

GINNY — This will be my third day of serious garden work and I am also looking forward to enforced rest via rain. My living room is stuffed with tropical bulbs that need warmer overnight temps before I can put them outside. Still don't see that in the forecast.

Kris P

So many sweet plants! The Podophyllum and Syneilesis are fascinating, although I wouldn't even think of planting either in my climate. I've never seen that Dicentra before - it's pretty cute. I hope the cold weather extremes are behind you.


Many plants that are exotic to me--enjoyed seeing them start to wake up!

The Dicentra, so dainty, yet it survives your snowy winters. Plants are miracles.

Linda Brazill

KRIS & hb -

The Dicentra is a native plant for us.


Yes, your plants look contented and ready to take off when the weather warms in a few days. Then we'll really see dramatic progress.


The seemingly endless winter was stressful, we were all holding our breath. Seeing everything on a growing spree allows the gardener to exhale (and work herself to exhaustion :-)).
Dicentra cucullaria is adorable!

Barbara H.

Spring plants fill my heart - I bet they fill yours too.

danger garden

I could have written this post! (my version is coming up on Monday)—complete with the need to rest. Isn't it amazing what a little warmth can do?


Dutchman’s britches are the best. I’ve tried them in my garden, but never got them to last. I think I remember that there is a native population here in Oregon, up in the Columbia Gorge.

Linda Brazill

JERRY — I planted one little Dutchman's breeches over 20 years ago. Since it keeps popping up all over the place, I guess it's happy.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.