I've been reading Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters From an American" every day since sometime early in the Trump administration. Today's letter (dated April 2) is about gerrymandering and Wisconsin's Supreme Court election tomorrow. Or how former GOP Governor Scot Walker instigated the process of killing participatory democracy in our state.
Richardson is a history professor at Boston College and one of her areas of expertise is the history of the Republican Party. Her daily letter looks at the big stories of the day as well as those that are coming into play. She puts them into historical context and provides links to all the sources of her information.
The GOP in Wisconsin provided the playbook for the Republicans across the nation. Well-worth your reading.
NOTE: Me protesting Gov. Walker in 2011. Double click the photo so you can read my sign.
I try to stay on top of Heather Cox Richardson's letters but sometimes it just becomes overwhelming. The evil out there in the system.
Posted by: danger garden | Monday, April 03, 2023 at 11:23 AM
DANGER — If I'm going to read bad news, Heather is usually the calmest, most reasoned voice. But you are right; sometimes I just can't do it.
Posted by: Linda Brazill | Monday, April 03, 2023 at 01:16 PM
I've been reading Richardson's letters since you introduced me to them, Linda. I always appreciate the details and background she provides. Fingers crossed re the election in Wisconsin.
Posted by: Kris P | Monday, April 03, 2023 at 02:30 PM
We have a horrible governor too, its like an invasive species.
One of the great things about the HCR letters is that as a historian she is accustomed to backing up her statements with actual historical documents, facts, etc. Very readable and dependably factual. And the pictures from Maine are beautiful!
Posted by: ceci | Monday, April 03, 2023 at 07:28 PM
Wonderful photo!!!! It's beautiful.
Thanks for the link. That was a good summary of what has been going on in WI. Very informative. I wish the state good luck in tomorrow's vote.
“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy.”
Which many of them have in their insatiable thirst for power.
They've also abandoned conservatism in favor of unfettered power and unrestricted greed.
Posted by: hb | Monday, April 03, 2023 at 07:58 PM
I could weep about so many things. Ditto to all all the above comments. Yes, HCR letters are almost too much at times - overwhelms the soul - but she also injects hope many times.
Posted by: Barbara H. | Tuesday, April 04, 2023 at 09:51 AM