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Friday, May 12, 2023


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danger garden

Great shots!


I'm glad you got some of the Muscari dug up, just in the nick of time!

Barbara H.

Glad you've established good rapport with the crew and that your Muscari showed its face while there was still time to rescue it.

Kris P

Good that you jumped in before it was too late. I'm glad to hear that the workmen have continued to exercise care but I'm sure you'll breathe a sigh of relief when their work zone moves beyond your house.

Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening

I thought I got all my plants dug up last year before construction started this year, but I find myself going under the new deck framing (doesn't have the actual decking on it yet to rescue one more arisaema, another clump of unidentified narcissus, ooh, is that an Angelica gigas seedling? etc. It's nice to have a second chance! Now I have to google Muscari paradoxum . . .


Is it your home garden behind you in the photos?
I always thought it could be fun to "extend" a personal garden into a traffic island.
Will it be rebuild afterwards?

Linda Brazill

KATHY — That muscari is taller, fatter and really dark purple with a thin yellow edge on the bottom of the bells, as it were.

Linda Brazill

CHAVLI — The tree with the ribbon around it is at the end of our driveway. Our property runs 100' to the right of the tree. The traffic island will not be replaced. The city is removing on-street parking and using the space for a shared bike/pedestrian path.


I enjoyed all the action shots with the workers in the background. You got them just in the nick of time!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.