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Monday, June 26, 2023


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Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening

I've been going through a similar plant moving project albeit less extreme. We have expanded the deck out back and I had to relocate numerous plants, some of which I planted in a new bed around the propane tank. Now that tank is getting upgraded to a larger size and I have to move some plants a second time. Sigh.


This project is rather unnerving. I bet you'd be relieved to see the crew done and gone.

I wonder why the bike and pedestrian lanes come at the expense of street parking, when the city owns the first 16' of land off the road. It seems perfectly suitable for a sidewalk and a bike lane. Where will family and friends park when they come over for a 4th of July picnic?


Yikes. This looks really upsetting, but inevitable - I feel for you!

We had similar devastation when a 115+ year old tree within the city owned right of way was blown down in a freak storm 2 summers ago, taking with it tons of Virginia bluebells, bulbs and some really lovely shrubs. The carefully enriched soil, built up over many years of mulching and composting, somehow disappeared into the huge root hole and after the city came and removed the fallen tree (which blessedly went down the street instead of onto anyone's house, or the kindergarten bus stop that a few hours earlier might have had kids!), and ground up the stump there was just orange clay and shredded stump. Now 2 years later we have coaxed along some flowers so there is a silver lining (and of course no one was injured in the whole tree fall), but it was very traumatic!



Linda Brazill

KATHY — I had that kind of moving experience a few years ago when we redid our driveway and everything 2' deep along the edges had to get moved if I wanted to save them. That's when the moss garden got turned into holding beds.

Linda Brazill

CHAVLI — Because of the up and down slopes on each side of the street the city would have to build stone retaining walls and cut down all the mature trees and we'd all protest. So this is a better solution. We're not happy about losing parking because it will make garden tours and family events more problematic. Luckily neighbors are already saying we can use their driveways for special events. 

Linda Brazill

CECI — That is more disconcerting having something unexpected like that.​ We've always known that someday the axe would fall. I am letting plants grow over the paths in the front yard so there will be plenty to move into the empty spaces.


22 feet, wow! That IS a huge project, for that and so many other reasons. It will be interesting to follow your coverage throughout the process, replanting, and new seasons beyond. :)

Barbara H.

Oh my goodness, this is a HUGE project. So good that you and Mark have been able to make it a far better experience than it might have been. Yes, lots of jobs that if people only knew how it all worked would perhaps lead to a deeper appreciation of what goes on around us.


On the good side, work is progressing with little or no weather interference so far, so maybe they'll be done a little sooner.

It sounds like you and Mark are handling this major disruption with grace.

Kris P

What an operation! But it sounds like it's getting done with a limited amount of angst, which is commendable. Nonetheless, I'm sure you'll be happy to see the project done in November.


Oh, wow, I'm glad that you and Mark are still able to appreciate the project. Having the fill replace the good dirt is a blow. I'm glad you're sharing what you're observing, as I'm finding it to be quite interesting.

Linda Brazill

KRISTIN — ​I think they have to come back and do more work. So I am assuming that is not the final fill dirt. In most cases they will be planting grass but we will just want decent dirt.


Oh my gosh, that "road"!!
You're holding up well considering the work being done out front. I guess what is getting done is getting done and you've already put in your say and now it's just a matter of sitting back for the show. At least you're not footing the bill!


Madison is amazing. There are so many other places where this would have been a nightmare. How wonderful to have workers who take into consideration your concerns.

Linda Brazill

FRANK — We will be billed about $2,600 which is much less than folks on the other side of the street. Our curb and gutters dont have to be replaced which is keeping our cost down. They are on the side that is being re-designed and will foot a bigger bill. 

danger garden

I can feel my chest getting tight and blood pressure going up as I read/look at the photos. So many bad memories of our own street work, which was nothing compared to yours. Fingers crossed for your plants!

Linda Brazill

DANGER — They should mostly be OK, especially the big root Geraniums. I really planned for this day with the original planting. Though I had no idea it would be this chaotic or take months to finish. It's a $5.4​ million project!


Oh gosh, I wouldn't be happy with that bill even if it is less than the neighbor's! I'm sure it will be wonderful when finished, and I'm also sure you're relieved the plantings were done with this eventuality in mind. I have to constantly remind myself than everything on the side of the house should be able to handle a backhoe running over it... just in case...


Wow, that is amazing. Thanks for the update. I definitely would have felt stressed about the whole operation. You are right though, putting a personal touch on everything and getting to know the crew does make a huge difference.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.