I guess all I needed to do to get some rain was to complain in print! The radar pix all seemed to suggest yesterday's projected storm was going to slide by us again. Until it unexpectedly burst on the scene around 3 p.m.
I went down to open the door for Mark who was out running errands and saw this workman who'd been operating a laser transit on our front lawn. He was one of the few who brought his rain jacket to work.
Amazingly the crew worked right through this cloudburst and continued until the second one arrived a while later. They got the road and our neighbor's driveway passable and then called it quits earlier than usual.
I'm thrilled as we got 1.35" of rain which has the garden looking lovely this morning. It's green and cool and calling me out to weed.
I was about to comment on yesterday's post, commiserate on "87°F with humidity in the 70% range" at 10 am, not to mention the layer of dust on every blessed leaf. But this morning I find myself envious. Thankfully, Seattle doesn't have that kind of humidity, but 1.35" of rain would be kind of wonderful in my garden too.
That paved road in the photos is beautiful. The project seems to be moving along nicely. Did you say it's due to wrap up in November ?
Posted by: Chavli | Thursday, July 06, 2023 at 08:13 AM
CHAVLI — Supposedly done by Nov. 4th. But we've heard they are likely to finish early. The dry weather has been a boon to the road work. They haven't lost any time due to bad weather.
I am guessing the paved road you referred to is our driveway. It was done by the same young man who did the incredible rock wall along the driveway.
The one good thing about no rain has been generally low humidity and no mosquitoes. But rain is better!
Posted by: Linda Brazill | Thursday, July 06, 2023 at 08:30 AM
Hooray for rain! We got 1.5 the night before last. Such a relief. Plus, it finally made people stop shooting off their stupid fireworks when it rolled through around 1:30 am.
Posted by: Kristin | Thursday, July 06, 2023 at 11:58 AM
Yay! I'd be ecstatic to get 1.35" of rain in one day. Congratulations. Maybe I need to try a rain dance but forecasters are predicting a heatwave so I suspect it's come to nought.
Posted by: Kris P | Thursday, July 06, 2023 at 01:13 PM
So glad you got rain. It makes all the difference!
Posted by: Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening | Thursday, July 06, 2023 at 08:25 PM
That's a nice amount of rain.
Posted by: Susie at pbmGarden | Friday, July 07, 2023 at 07:36 PM
KRISTIN ±This is the best year we've had in ages for people being restrained in shooting off fireworks. Usually they start a month before and go a month afterwards. This year it was more like a week or ten days. Thank goodness.
Posted by: Linda Brazill | Sunday, July 09, 2023 at 07:05 AM
Oh that's excellent news... even if your sand pile at the end of the driveway is extremely intimidating lol
I am waiting for the rain, we are supposed to get into the same range but so far it's just East or West of us in the higher elevations. My soil also doesn't like to soak it up real quickly, so if it all comes in one storm there will still be dry spots tomorrow.
Posted by: Frank | Sunday, July 09, 2023 at 08:09 AM