Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny autumn day, so I took advantage of the weather and got the last spring bulbs planted. We met with our arborist about getting the big Honey Locust over the house pruned. And Mark cleaned the garage — after doing the same in the basement the day before. The high hit 79°.
The weather had the Crocus pulchellus in full bloom. It was a thrill to walk up the steps to the Tea House and see how they're finally spreading around.
The rain forecast this week is mostly missing us. But I'm sure the overnight lows into the 20°s this weekend are not going to pass us by. So I walked around the garden in late afternoon clipping all sorts of foliage and a few flowers to make a goodbye to the garden bouquet. I'm definitely not ready to say hello to the next season.
What a gorgeous crocus! I just planted some more autumn crocus, because the ones I had aren't doing much. If these don't spread, I will have to order some of your variety. We are going to have a freeze next week. I hate how it kills everything and then warms back up. Freezes should wait until at least mid-November in my opinion.
Posted by: Kristin | Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 06:23 PM
79 to lows in the 20's? That's insane. Beautiful Crocus pulchellus.
Your comment on my FB post this evening had me coming over to see what's been happening on your blog. I'm still not getting notifications of your new posts, unfortunately.
Posted by: danger garden | Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 09:09 PM
Love that one red Japanese maple leaf amidst all the yellow leaves and the blue crocuses.
I'm not ready for winter either. Never am! I want it to go from mid-November directly to mid-March. One month of winter I can tolerate! Any more than that is soul crushing.
Posted by: Old Lady Gardener | Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 11:35 AM